
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We are upgrading some of our infrastructure and improving the consistency of the design across our pages. You might notice very small changes in the look of the interface (for example the way that expenses are shown as seen below).
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Normally we wouldn't announce these types of changes, but given that this is a key part of everyone's workflow, we wanted to make sure we gave you a heads up!
Now, when you mark an invoice as "paid" in Monograph, we'll automatically create a transaction marking the QBO version of that invoice as "paid" in QBO.
Its even better for those of you using Monograph online payments to
get paid 2x faster:
when a client pays you online, we'll automatically mark the invoice as paid in Monograph and send the appropriate transactions to QBO. You don't have to do a thing. You'll be getting paid faster
saving admin/bookkeeping time.
Learn how to set it up here.




Insights-driven dashboard

Manage your firm with data using Monograph's new insights-driven dashboard
We've updated the Monograph home page to include more high-level information about firm performance as well as quick links to take action on items that require your attention, in addition to basic daily activities and quick links to recently accessed projects.
Please note for a transitional period you are still able to view the legacy dashboard via a link at the bottom of this page
High-level business data to see how your firm is performing
Team members with high-level permissions are able to view top-line financial, utilization, and team resourcing tracking looking back at the last 3 full months and ahead at the next 3 full months. You can see how this data compares over those 3 months via the sparkline chart showing the trends.
Financial information does vary depending on whether or not your firm has configured the QBO integration fully.
Insights to take action on
Team members with Staffing permissions are able to see what projects are ongoing that are currently over budget or trending over budget. They also will be able to monitor if any of the team is going to be over capacity across the next 4 weeks so you can spread their workload across others.
Current activities to take care of
All team members will be able to see their current work.
  • Recent projects
    will show the most recently viewed projects along with the total hours I have been planned to work on them vs. how much I have logged already
  • Timesheets
    will send me to my current and past weeks' timesheets as well as the total time logged so far on each
  • Assigned tasks
    will show if I have tasks due and connect me to the list of items to take care of
  • Assigned work this week
    will show the hours I am staffed per project, if I have no tasks assigned
Financial cash flows
Team members with Invoicing permissions are able to see at the bottom of this dashboard the total financial amounts that are on open invoices, consultant bills, and unbilled time, so that you can make sure they stay on top of your firm's cash flow.
Give your clients the best experience with
saved payment methods
invoice lists
We’re incredibly excited to announce a couple of new features that will give your clients an incredible experience and keep them coming back for more of your services.
Saved payment methods
Clients can now save and reuse their payment methods when they pay an invoice electronically. That makes checking out a breeze and it means you get paid even faster. Read more here.
Fun fact:
firms that get paid electronically on Monograph get paid 2x faster, on average, than firms that don’t!
Client invoice list
We’re also giving your clients access to a list of their invoices, with some nice totals, so you’ll never have to resend an invoice again. Read more here.
With these improvements, your clients will have a smoother experience and you'll spend less time digging up past invoices and answering questions. Give your clients a heads-up and encourage them to create client accounts today! 👍
Monograph's Projects Staffing supports real-time visibility and management of project budgets
Click on Staffing -> Projects to view a new way to manage your team's workload and project delivery oriented by project
What is Projects Staffing
Projects Staffing allows you to view staffing data oriented by individual projects and measured in the value of the project and the budget your team is spending every week to ensure your team delivers quality designs to your clients on budget.
Because every hour worked by your team correlates to a different billable rate, Monograph is removing the permissions differentiation between Staffing in general and Staffing with financial data. Making better staffing decisions requires transparency into how hours translate into budget.
How can I better manage Staffing with this view?
  • Use the landing page to prioritize which projects have phases that need your attention—whether those phases are already over budget or are trending over budget.
  • Adjust timelines while projects are in flight by editing phase start and end dates with helpful drag and drop bars.
    Make sure to unlink later phases by clicking the link icon if you don't want to affect those phases start dates.
  • Keep your project budget planning up to date by adjusting the planned maximum hours a team member should spend on the phase (originally only able to be set and managed in Project Planner). You can also use this experience to assign more team members or remove team members to the phase.
    Please note you can only remove team members who have not yet logged time to the phase.
    After adjusting max hours and team members, you will always have the option to rebalance the remaining staffing allocations to keep your projects on budget.
We’ve just revamped the Profit Drivers report to give you a clearer picture of your most and least profitable project categories, clients and phases. And, for those of you integrated with QBO, you’ll notice an increased accuracy in the Profit Drivers report if you are importing costs from QBO.
  • What project category makes you the most money?
  • Which clients put you in the red?
  • Which phases have the highest profit margin?
Get your answers from they Profit Drivers report, now.
Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 7
Click here to learn more.




Staffing and timesheets for next week

Monograph has added in a view for next week on Staffing and exposed next week's Timesheet to allow you and your team to have another view with which to plan ahead and understand expected workloads in advance.
"Next week" Staffing
When selecting a timeframe to view Staffing, select "Now" to view the current week and "Next week" to view the allocated staffing hours for each team member's phases and to make adjustments for a single week only.
When assigning phases that are not current to staff on Next week, we will extend the start or end date of the phase to those of the next week, not the current week.
Please double check the view you are on before making these changes or any other edits to staffed hours!
Next week's timesheet
In line with the changes to Staffing, you and your team can also access next week's timesheet in advance. Use the date selection in the top right to access.
As with Staffing, please make sure you are on the correct week's timesheet before making any changes.
Monograph is excited to announce the refresh of its weekly Staffing functionality.
Staffing is all consolidated now into the different time range selections at the top right of your Staffing calendar. image
Selecting week will show staffing allocations by team member for the week. You can scroll side-to-side to see all team members or up and down to see all projects per person.
Each phases hours will be manually editable. You will be alerted for projects that are out of budget via red exclamation mark icons, and you can hover over this to see the details of why. You will be offered the option to rebalance if you can bring the project phase back into budget. image
As on the longer term view, you can use the multi-rebalance option available in the top right to perform a rebalance across all potentially impacted projects. This rebalance will use the "People & Project team" filter to more effectively target all of the projects across selected team members.
We have also added a Category filter to quickly view only the projects that are in a specific category.
Please note that the Category filter will not narrow down the phase selection for global rebalancing; only the people filter will narrow the selection of people whose phases need rebalancing.
The Assign function allows you to add overhead hours or add additional phases for a team member to work on. image
The "Assign phase" tool also now to allows you extend the start or end date of phases that have ended or will begin within 4 weeks before or after the current date.
Now, if a client needs revisions on a phase that technically ended last week or you want to staff a phase earlier, you no longer need to go to the Project Planner to adjust a phase's length—we will take care of that for you directly in Staffing! This will function for staff already planned in a phase or those who have not been assigned yet. If there is a linked phase, that will be unlinked automatically to avoid affecting other work in progress.
All of this Staffing functionality is under a re-labeled view called "People" given all hours and phases are organized by individual team members. We have included information on our upcoming release of a Projects view that will structure staffing hours and budget by project, giving you and your firm even more visibility and control to ensure projects come in on time and on budget without overloading your team.
Monograph is delivering major improvements to Staffing over the coming weeks. The first collection of features launched includes enhancements to existing workflows, new benefits, and visual changes to prepare for even more improvements!
Improved data gauges
Better see how on track you are to hit your phase budget with new data gauges
"People and Project team" filter
Select a project to quickly filter down to just those team members working on it
  • Sort view staff first name:
    More logically see team members listed by first name and reverse the alphabetical order if needed
Rebalance for all staff (or some)
Quickly rebalance all projects' staffing hours based on the people filter with just a few clicks
Assign overhead categories
Plan ahead for recurring and one-off overhead by assigning overhead categories and staffing hours
Note: You can no longer edit future timesheets with this change given timesheets are designed to track time that has already occurred. You should leverage Monograph's time off feature to log future time off or work with your team to apply these for planning.
Assign new phases
Make adjustments to who can work on a phase by assigning them to additional team members
Know your firm’s historical and future profitability at any moment.
Get a clear visual of your profit trends without analyzing clunky profit & loss statements.
Monograph Profit and Profit Forecast reports
Here’s how it works:
  • Track your historical profit, revenue, and costs in the new Profit report
  • Forecast profit trends in detail with the new Profit Forecast report
  • Get an accurate P&L with all your firm costs when syncing with QBO
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